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8-Year-old boy had one last request from the doctor before he was put to sleep – the parents only found out about it afterwards

In a fair world, no child would have to see the insides of hospitals when they grow up. They will have the opportunity to play and learn in a safe environment, as every child deserves.

For 8-year-old Jackson McKie, the reality was far from that. He spent much of his short life in the hospital.

When he was little, a cyst was found in his brain. He was born with chronic hydrocephalus – accumulation of spinal cord fluid in the brain.

He got in and out of hospitals more than any child should. His friends on this journey always remained the same: his mother, his father, and his little teddy bear ‘Little Baby’.

Fortunately, Jackson is blessed with amazing doctors. One of them, Daniel McKinley, has been taking care of him since he emerged into the world.

During Jackson’s last surgery, he had a special request from his doctor just before he was put under anesthesia.

Daniel could not refuse the boy he had helped for eight years. So without even asking Jackson’s parents, he did something you wouldn’t find in a surgeon’s handbook.

After his decision, Daniel was praised all over the world for his moving compassion.

“I thought it would make some people smile, that was my only intention”, McKinley said.

“I’m glad others enjoyed it”.

Daniel asked the nurses to prepare a small operating table.

First he operated on Jackson, but when he finished he decided he had more work to do.

Without hesitation

Before he was sedated, Jackson asked Daniel if he could also dissect his little bear, ‘Little Baby’. The thoughtful doctor did not hesitate for a second and accepted the task.

This proves that he is not only an amazing surgeon, but also an amazing person.

“He’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met”, said Jackson’s father, Rick.

When Jackson woke up from the surgery, he was happy to see that Little Baby had been stitched up the same way as him.

This was Dr. Daniel’s first time operating on a teddy bear, but something tells us it won’t be the last.

Next to the picture he wrote:

“The patient asked if I could fix teddy bear before putting him to sleep.. how could I say no?”.

Dr. Daniel McNeely’s wonderful gesture spread online like wildfire, with people all over the world praising him.

Share the article with your friends so they too can enjoy this heartwarming story. It goes to Dr. Daniel!



  1. Muhammad Zafar Alam

    13th January, 2024 at

    This is a heart to heart relation of Dr. Daniel with Jackson.
    Allah has created human beings with this quality.
    Dr. Daniel explored it.
    May Allah Bless Jackson a very beautiful longer life and Dr. Daniel a very successful happier longer life. Ameen.

    • Anonymous

      2nd December, 2024 at


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