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Mother and daughter spent more than $86,000 on plastic surgery to look like their goddess

All the people in the world are born with a very unique look. Of course, some may be similar in some ways, but there are always details that will set us apart from others.

How we look is certainly something not many of us think about. For most people, they look the way they do and that’s it.

But there are those who like to stand out and try to change their appearance accordingly – and this is of course their legitimate right.

You could say that Georgina and her daughter Kayla are not the ordinary couple of mother/daughter. They spend almost all their money on plastic surgery.

Together, Georgina and Kayla have spent more than $95,000 on various surgeries and treatments.

Their precious hobby is funded by Kayla’s job as a stripper, a profession that Mother Georgina has no problem engaging in. The daughter started working as a stripper at the age of 17.

“When Kayla told me she wanted to have plastic surgery, I was happy because I wanted her to be that kind of person”, the 39-year-old mother said.

The treatments that have been done so far include lip augmentation, hair extensions, breast augmentation and cheek injections.

We think they exaggerated a bit. What do you think?

Everyone should love the way they look. They looked much better before the surgeries. Be careful with what you ask for.

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