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She was told she was crazy when she wrapped her legs in plastic wrap. After seeing the results, they did too

We all want toned and beautiful legs, but we are tired of diets and grueling fitness training.

Therefore, this method is perfect for those who want to try something new and different, and still get great results.



Apply a layer of coconut oil on your stomach and thighs. The layer of coconut oil should be thin. Then wrap everything with plastic wrap. It is important
that the nylon is well fastened, but not too tight. Leave it for 30 minutes.

The benefits

This will cause the acceleration of metabolism and expansion of blood vessels. In addition, it will moisturize the skin, make it look younger, and remove
cellulite. For optimal results, you must repeat the treatment for 10 days in a row, with a one-day break in between. Then take a break for one month.

A tips of champions

  • After the treatment, immediately remove the cling film
  • Do not attach it too tightly to the body to avoid allergies
  • Let the body cool down before you enter the shower after the treatment
  • A shower with lukewarm water is preferable
  • Dry the skin well and apply moisturizer

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