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A nurse fell asleep in the barber’s chair – so the staff noticed her shoes and secretly took this picture

Many will agree that nurses, doctors and other medical professionals are the real heroes.

Although their profession require daily coping with stress and their salary isn’t very high, nurses in particular continue to work hard every day to save lives, cure sick children and comfort elderly patients.

Librarian Ashley Bolling has recently been exposed to the wonderful work that nurses do. One of her regular clients, a nurse by profession, went in to get a haircut.

Her client fell asleep very quickly on the chair as soon as she sat down, exhausted after a long day of work, while still in her nurse’s uniform.

Ashley photographed her, and shared the photo on her Facebook page along with lovely words she wrote.

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Here is what she wrote in the post:

“I had one of those “stop-you-in-your-tracks”, extremely humbling moments, while working quietly on the hair of a very exhausted, sleeping nurse”.

“She’d been at work all night and hadn’t been to bed, when she landed in my chair, but not before stopping to buy my breakfast on her way”..

“As she dozed off, I gently rested her head on my stomach and continued to foil her hair .. then I noticed her shoes..”

“I wondered how many miles those shoes have walked. I wondered what they’d walked through. Blood? Tears? In & out of the countless rooms of the patient’s she’s cared for?”

“I wondered how many hours they’ve carried her, and all those like her, while they literally save the lives of those we love and hold the hands of the ones who can no longer fight that fight”.

“But with those shoes propped up in that chair, phone in her lap, I got the chance to take care of her (even if it was just for a few hours) and I felt extremely honored to take care of such a hard working, inspiring woman I’m so
lucky to call my friend”

“I’ve always respected and valued these amazing super-heroes and am proud to be the sister, daughter, niece, friend and hairstylist of so many”

“Know you are appreciated, know you are irreplaceable, know you are loved!”

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We can only agree with Ashley’s beautiful words. Let’s help her and make a tribute to all the nurses who work so hard every day to save lives. Share this post with your friends and family!

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