Surgeons were left stunned and knew the cause of death immediately ‘when they pulled this out of man’s body’!

Doctors are essential for any society. They are considered to be life saviors. In our routine life, we often encounter health issues that are beyond our comprehension.
We require help from a doctor to understand the problem and also to get it cured. But, unfortunately, most of us hate going to the doctor and being sick.
It’s no fun to take medication or undergo procedures. So when you learn about someone who is intentionally creating an illness , it can be mind boggling and confusing. And yes, we all know that smoking kills. And no matter how much evidence doctors and scientists share with the public, some people refuse to quit smoking.
A group of surgeons are showing off the lungs of a chain smoker who died from smoking at the tender of age fifty-two and would have lived much, much longer if they had given up cigarettes.
These lungs, which were removed from a dead chain smoker who smoked cigarettes for thirty years, reveal the horrific results that smoking tobacco can have on your body. Lungs are supposed to be pink in color.
But this chain smoker turned their lungs black because of the decades of tobacco smoke they inhaled into their body. Cigarette after cigarette clogged up their lungs and turned the healthy lung tissue into a cancerous mess.
The man, who these lungs used to belong to, died at the age of fifty-two of multiple lung conditions. The lungs were extracted from the chain smoker’s body by surgeons from a local hospital in China. Dr. Chen, the lung transplant surgeon, led the operation.
He also serves as the vice president of the hospital “The patient didn’t undergo a C.T. scan before his death. He was declared brain dead, and his lungs were donated shortly after that. Initial oxygenation index tests were okay, but when we harvested the organs, we realized we wouldn’t be able to use them. We Chinese love smoking. It would be impractical to say that we wouldn’t accept the lungs of all smokers, but there are strict standards.”
Dr. Chen added, “(We accept) lungs from people under sixty years of age who have only recently died, minor infections in the lungs and relatively clean X-rays are also acceptable. If the above conditions are met, we would consider transplanting the lungs.”
However, this man’s lungs were so far gone that the doctors had no hope of using the organ in a transplant. Because this is what can happen to the human body from cigarette smoke, it is important to quit smoking as early as possible.
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