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A Tennessee educator who was previously charged with raping a 12-year-old kid has been re-arrested!

After being released on bond, the elementary school teacher who is suspected of raping a kid who is 12 years old was re-arrested due to allegations that she texted the boy and told him, “You’ll regret this.”

Twenty days after her initial arrest on September 8 for the child sex attack, Alissa McCommon, now 38 years old, was taken into custody again in Covington, Tennessee, late Thursday night.

It is alleged that she violated a condition of the $25,000 bail that she posted, which stated that she was not to have any contact with the alleged victim.

According to the allegations, McCommon sent the child a text message using a phone number that he was not familiar with, and she identified herself by using certain code phrases that she had previously used while giving him nude images.

After then, the ‘You’ll repent this’ warning is believed to have followed.

A woman who had previously worked as an elementary school teacher in Tennessee was taken into custody AGAIN after making contact with the woman who claims she was raped by her using a concealed phone number. On Thursday, Alissa McCommon was observed being frog-marched from her home in Covington, Tennessee.

According to reports, McCommon, 38, sent a threatening text message to her former pupil and victim, telling him that he would “regret this,” despite the fact that she was prohibited from communicating with the child.

This time, she was charged with coercion of a witness, aggravated stalking, tampering with evidence, and harassment. Additionally, she was accused of tampering with evidence.

An arrest was made earlier this month as a result of many juvenile victims coming forward and saying that they were “befriended” by their former teacher. These victims said that their former teacher encouraged them to play video games with her and connected with them on social media applications. This led to the arrest.

Charger Academy is an elementary school located in Covington, Tennessee. McCommon had previously worked there as a teacher for the fourth grade. She was an English and Language teacher at the school up to the 24th of August, when the district suspended her without pay; nevertheless, she ultimately decided to retire from her position.

The allegations of wrongdoing were brought forward by a parent on the morning of Thursday, August 24, and the teacher was suspended without pay later that same morning until the outcome of the inquiry, according to John Combs, the Director of Schools for Tipton County Schools.

According to the allegations, the former teacher’s online interactions with her former students progressed to the point where she sent the youngsters improper images and requested that they have sexual intercourse with her.

In the year 2021, it is reported that she abused one of the youngsters (who was younger than 12 years old) that she preyed on inside of her home.

There was no proof that any of the sexual behaviour took place on any of the school campuses, but McCommon admitted that she had inappropriately communicated with her former students.

After many victims came forward with information regarding the inappropriate behaviour of their former teacher, the Tipton County Sheriff’s Office collaborated with detectives from the CPD to investigate the allegations.

Earlier in September, the former educator was taken into custody, but she was later released after posting a bond in the amount of $25,000 on the condition that she would not communicate with her victim. Other victims have allegedly come forward alleging that McCommon participated in inappropriate behaviours with them and tried to ‘befriend’ them through online games and social media. It is believed that these victims have come forward.

According to the police, McCommon admitted to having a sexual contact with the same former pupil who she had been communicating with her concealed phone.

Chief Donna Turner of the Covington Police Department stated that “not only are the actions of McCommon appalling, but CPD is also concerned about this apparent violation of the conditions of her bond,”

We are concerned that others may have been contacted as a result of the nature of the communications. We are going to keep working towards revoking McCommon’s bond, and we are also going to vigorously prosecute the new counts that keep piling up.’

In anticipation of her hearing in Tipton County General Sessions Court, McCommon is currently being detained without the possibility of being released on bond as she waits.

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