After dog gets hit by car, ‘brutal sign has entire neighborhood talking’!

Picture a loyal and joyful pup, bounding with innocence and trust, exploring the world with wagging tail and gleaming eyes. In the blink of an eye, a speeding vehicle tears through their world, shattering their vitality and stealing away their future. The anguish that follows is unlike any other, for the loss of a cherished canine companion cuts straight to the soul. Unfortunately, many people have experienced this and been forced to bury their beloved pets due to reckless drivers – and the person behind this story obviously knows how it feels.
The anguish that follows is unlike any other, for the loss of a cherished canine companion cuts straight to the soul. Unfortunately, many people have experienced this and been forced to bury their beloved pets due to reckless drivers – and the person behind this story obviously knows how it feels.
After losing his own dog to an accident, a family decided to take a stand and put a sign up that shocked neighbors. They posted the sign on their own lawn and used it to warn speeding drivers. In fact, many would consider the message a threat. ”We buried our dog last week because you won’t slow down,” the sign read. “If you hit 1 of my kids your family may be burying you.”
A photo of the sign (SEE PHOTO) was posted on Reddit and quickly amassed a huge amount of comments and opinions. ”I never understand why people speed through neighborhoods…or parking lots. Seriously…what’s the logic in that?” one user commented. The post was shared to other platforms online, as well, such as Facebook. Users on all platforms largely agreed with the man who put up the warning. ”Love the sign. People drive way too fast in neighborhoods. More than 20 is to fast. Kids on bikes. Kids playing in their own yard and a ball goes in the street, it happens. So why is there this problem. Well it’s because people are f**king idiots.
The post was shared to other platforms online, as well, such as Facebook. Users on all platforms largely agreed with the man who put up the warning. ”Love the sign. People drive way too fast in neighborhoods. More than 20 is to fast. Kids on bikes. Kids playing in their own yard and a ball goes in the street, it happens. So why is there this problem. Well it’s because people are f**king idiots.
Plain and simple,” one Facebook user said. ”Damn straight! One of my dogs got away from me and the woman who ran over him didn’t even slow down. Just ran over him. Same could happen to a child,” another commented. Still, others online have not agreed with the dog owner either. Many assume the man allowed his dog to roam too freely. ”I don’t feel sorry for them one bit. Have the same problem in my neighborhood. Everyone thinks it is free range country for dogs and cats. My dogs do not leave my property without my permission,” one reader wrote. ”Keep your dog on a leash!
If you cared about your fur friend you would take better care of them,” said another. ”Speeding is bad, but your dog and kids are your responsibility to keep them out of the street,” yet another added.
Many assume the man allowed his dog to roam too freely. ”I don’t feel sorry for them one bit. Have the same problem in my neighborhood. Everyone thinks it is free range country for dogs and cats. My dogs do not leave my property without my permission,” one reader wrote. ”Keep your dog on a leash!
If you cared about your fur friend you would take better care of them,” said another. ”Speeding is bad, but your dog and kids are your responsibility to keep them out of the street,” yet another added.
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