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After hearing noises behind a wall, ‘family discovered something unusual hidden inside’!

According to the owners of the house, there were reports that one house was possessed, but there was, in fact, something totally different.

Something that had the strength to surprised the whole world. The owners of the home began to hear an odd sound now and then.

The sound gradually became more regular, however, until the owners began to hear it nonstop. Then, they knew something had to be done.

According to David, at first glance, this just looks like a regular, mundane wall on a regular house. But a further investigation by an expert revealed a sweet surprise for the American owners of this brick property. David had to hack into the home’s exterior to show exactly what was lurking behind the solid brick wall. A huge honeycomb, complete with thousands of honey bees – was taking up a decent chunk of the wall cavity in one of his toughest jobs.

David achieved quite a feat, after being called to assist a homeowner whose back brick wall was filled with bees. He proceeded to remove the bricks from the side of the home in order to get to the enormous honeycomb and the bees that occupied it. Davod documented the journey to a bee-less home in a fascinating Facebook post which has since been shared over 116,000 times. “Every once and awhile I get a call that makes me cringe,” he wrote in the Facebook post, continuing:

“Sometimes the bees are way up high, and sometimes it’s bricks. I prefer to be minimally invasive when removing honey bees from buildings. I don’t like taking out bricks. Will the mortar chip out, or will the bricks crumble? Will the combs be usable once the bricks are out of the way?

As much as I dreaded removing the bricks, the final view of the hive was AWESOME!” He documented his endeavor to the delight of Facebook users who followed along and commented on his step-by-step process. Finally — no bees in sight! However, the inner wall of the house did have some unsightly discoloration thanks to “thousands of dirty little feet.”

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