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Cruel Airline Kicks Off Disabled Boy And His Dog So They Don’t Have To ‘Deal’ With Him

Some people and some companies deserve all the bad press they earn. American Airlines told a disabled boy that he couldn’t ride on their plane.

It was to be his first ever vacation, but his service dog was ‘too big’ according to the airline. Bryant Weasel, 12, has Dravet Syndrome.

It is a rare kind of epilepsy, and his service dog can tell when Bryant is going to have a seizure and helps him be safe.

Granted, Bryant’s dog, Chug, is a big dog at 110 pounds – but he is a service dog. The uninformed flight attendant had the nerve to question if Chug was really a service dog at all. But Chug didn’t fit under the seat, as the airline requires, so they were thrown off.

Afterward, the airline apologized. Those apologies can’t replace the Thanksgiving dinner that was missed. Share away, people.

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