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Dad Killed His Baby Who Survived Cancer Because He Was Jealous Of The Attention She Got

Ryan Lawrence, 25, took a baseball bat and beat his 21-month-old daughter, Maddox, to death.

Then he burned her body in a fire pit and tied her remains to a cinder block and dumped it into the Onondaga Creek located in Syracuse.

Shortly after that, Lawrence pleaded guilty to first and second-degree murder.

dad kills daughter

Image Credit: Time Warner Cable News

Morgan Lawrence, Maddox’s mother, told police that Ryan was supposed to pick her up from work the night he disappeared with Maddox, instead, he just left a car for her in the parking lot.

dad kills daughter

Image Credit: Facebook

Morgan found a note from Ryan at home indicating that he may hurt himself and Maddox, a cancer survivor.

Two days after the Amber Alert was issued, Ryan was seen at a shop 10 miles outside of Syracuse, and he was wearing a disguise.

dad kills daughter

Image Credit: Facebook

Once in custody, Ryan admitted to killing his daughter and took the police to her body.

Maddox had just beaten eye cancer – but it was a time-consuming and, naturally an expensive process.

Ryan may have been jealous about how much attention Maddox had gotten during that time – so he killed her.

dad kills daughter

Image Credit: Facebook

Makes perfect sense, right?!

Ryan’s attorney, Michael Vavonese, claims his client did it out of love – that he was concerned what kind of life Maddox would have going forward.

The big thing is that Ryan was able to stand up in court and admit what he did.

dad kills daughter

Image Credit: Facebook

By all accounts, Maddox had beaten the cancer and would have likely suffered no ill effects.

Ryan will spend the next 25 years behind bars.

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