One rare puppy was born, ‘later they discovered this fascinated secret about him’!

We love dogs. Just about all of us do. Big dogs, small dogs, yappy dogs, fluffy dogs, all of them are loveable dogs — we call them pups and puppers, woofers and boofers, pupperinos and cutie-booties, and we adore our closest companions like no other.
If you were to ask a dog owner why they love their dogs so much, they’d probably tell you that they have a close and enduring bond with their dogs, they care about them on a deep level, and know their dogs care about them in return, offering company, love, and an undeniable loyalty.
The amazing pooch, Rio, gave birth to nine healthy puppies this summer. But one of them looked a little different to the rest of his brothers.
Her owners couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw that one of the puppies had green fur. It’s extremely unusual – but it happened. Puppies can sometimes have green fur when they are born.
Breeders believe it has to do with puppies being exposed to biliverdin — a green bile pigment found in the placenta . But it’s only known to have happened three times before, says The Sun.
The dog’s owner, Louise, was shocked when she saw the green puppy. “We couldn’t believe it,” he told The Sun. The family lives in Scotland, but word of the green puppy quickly traveled around the world.
However, color doesn’t last forever. After a couple of days and many baths at mom’s, the color started to fade. It didn’t take long before the green puppy looked just like her siblings. But that doesn’t matter to Louise.
He became so attached to the little green puppy that she decided to keep him. She called him Forest.
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