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Woman Begs Boyfriend To Let Her Order Pizza And Writes Note About His Abuse In The Comments

Cheryl Treadway knew that she had to do something to alert others about her boyfriend’s actions at home. His behavior was unimaginable and uncontrollable.

One afternoon, he completely lost it and held Cheryl and her children hostage in their home. He also had a knife on him that he threatened to use.

Two of Cheryl’s children hugged each other in one part of the home while Cheryl held onto another child. She was frightened, but she had an idea of how to get the help that she and her children needed.

She told her boyfriend that she was hungry. He reluctantly let her order a pizza for herself and the children.

Cheryl used the Pizza Hut app to submit her order. She was only done a few seconds before her boyfriend took the phone from her.

Employees at the Pizza Hut saw that it wasn’t a normal order.

They knew right away that Cheryl was in trouble and sent help to her home instead of the pizza that she ordered.

Because of Cheryl’s quick thinking and the skills of the employees and the manager of the store, Cheryl was able to walk away from a dangerous situation.

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