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Woman Lifts Her Skirt, Sprays Perfume All Over Her Thighs After Entering A Shop

This is really embarrassing. A woman was recorded on CCTV after entering a shop and spraying herself liberally with perfume. The woman even went to the extent of lifting her dress and spraying it all over her cr*tch. In the video footage, the woman first sprays her wrist and her neck with the perfume in the shop in an unknown location.

She goes to put the perfume back on the shelf but then hesitates.

She looks around to check if anyone is watching and then she lifts her skirt and starts to spray the substance all over her cr*tch and thighs.

But unknown to her, she was standing directly under the CCTV cameras.

Here is the story

Embarrassing footage has emerged of a woman entering a shop and spraying herself liberally with perfume – even lifting her dress and spraying it all over her crotch.

The woman, wearing a patterned dress that falls below the knee, first sprays her wrist and her neck in the shop in an unknown location.

She looks around to check if anyone is watching and then she lifts her skirt and starts to spray the substance all over her crotch and thighs.

But unbeknownst to her, she was standing directly under the CCTV cameras.

Here is the video below

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