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Woman thought it was just a pimple, but when the doctor saw it he gasped!

Per reports, the woman, Sarah, noticed the ‘pimple’ growing months before. Unfortunately, she thought nothing of it. When it first appeared, she figured it was just a pimple that had gotten out of control.

But when it did not go away, she figured she had best get it checked out by an expert. That’s when she decided to have her general practitioner give her a full-body check to see if anything was out of sorts.

Test results came back without any concerns. That worried the woman, who felt in her gut that there was something wrong. She sought a second opinion and learned that she was dealing with something more serious.

The doctor reportedly told her that she had skin cancer. Now, Sarah wants to encourage people, especially Caucasian individuals, to get their skin checked regularly as they are at higher risk of this type of cancer. “If it’s been longer than twelve months since your last full skin check, please book in to have it done. It’s so easy to put it off out of fear, but it’s far better to get checked and have something dealt with than have it spread further.”

Sarah, who is a singer, understands that her health is vital to her career. If she is not well, she cannot perform to the level that her career requires her to perform. That’s why she took her health seriously and got a second opinion. There’s no messing around when it comes to the health and wellbeing of Sarah .

“Although the Basal Cell Carcinoma is one of the ‘safer’ cancers to have, it can still do a lot of damage if left untreated,” the woman said. “This one was only a few millimeters from my eye, so it required a specialist (plastic surgeon) to remove. He’s confident that he got it all out, which is a relief, but I’ll be getting the pathology back next week.” Dear readers, we are republishing this story to raise awareness about the Basal Cell Carcinoma.

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