Woman Writes Touching Tribute To Nurses Caring For Daughter With Cancer

When 2-year-old Sophie first started getting ill in May of 2017, her parents, Jonathan and Shelby, thought she may have allergies.
She had trouble breathing and doctors were concerned that she may have asthma.
An allergy test was scheduled for a few days after her check-up – but then things changed.
Shortly before the test, Sophie suddenly stopped breathing during the night.
She was rushed to a hospital and doctors soon discovered what was really wrong – and it was absolutely shocking.
There was a mass the size of a softball in the little one’s chest, caused by T-cell lymphoma.
Sophie needed to fight for her life. She was given aggressive chemotherapy, but the cancer continued to spread, and treatment was brutal.
Soon, Sophie’s abilities to speak, walk, eat, and even just use her hands were all affected.
And it still wasn’t enough – she would need to get a stem cell transplant.
Shelby stayed by her daughter’s side constantly, keeping a watchful eye on everything.
That’s why she couldn’t help seeing a nurse trying very hard not to be noticed as she performed her daily tasks, caring for kids and their families all day long.
Shelby decided to take a candid picture of the nurse while she was facing away, then she posted it on Facebook with a lengthy and emotional caption.
“I see you,” the mother began. She explained how she knew the nurse seemed sad to see Sophie cry, and how often she apologized and tried to be extremely gentle when using bandaids.
Around her arms and stethoscope, the nurse wore many rubber bracelets, all symbolic of the patients she worked so hard to care for.
Every night, the nurse would tuck Sophie in and gently stroke her head.
But it wasn’t just Sophie the nurse did everything for.
She held babies while doing her computer and charting work while their parents weren’t around. She comforted sobbing parents.
For 12 hours every single day, she walked in to every single ward with a smile, no matter how tired she was.
Sophie isn’t even her patient, but she drops by to see her anyway.
The nurse does everything she can to get Sophie all that she needs as soon as possible.
She listens to Shelby ramble and worry, even when she has a long to-do list and a phone buzzing off the hook.
Shelby goes on to say that this nurse has done so much for everyone – something no amount of “thank you”s and gifts could ever repay.
Shelby posted this message on Facebook, where she has been chronicling Sophie’s fight against cancer.
Many people were touched by her post, including many nurses who the post was directed to, and many parents who have been in similar situations and know just how much work these nurses put in.
Sophie, sadly, had a relapse of cancer in the end of 2017, and her family made the difficult decision to stop treatment. She passed away on the 4th of January, 2018.
Her parents hope that her short life, filled with love, inspires others to appreciate their nurses and truly cherish every moment they have with their families.
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