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Mother-Of-Six Gets Death Threats After Piercing Her Baby’s Dimple

When Enedina Vance, a mother from Ohio, posted a Photoshopped photograph of her baby daughter with a prominent cheek piercing to protest and raise awareness against child circumcision and serious body modifications, she didn’t expect for people to miss the mark of her message!

baby cheek pierced

Image Credit: N/A

She aptly captioned the post with a tirade of overemphasized comments in a sarcastic tone, saying things along the lines of “I am the parent, and I get to choose whether my child is pierced or not, and it is not abuse if I do so! It is my right, don’t judge me or my parenting!”

She added the hashtag “#sarcasm” after this caption to let readers know that she was being, well, sarcastic.

baby cheek pierced

Image Credit: N/A

But some people didn’t pick up on the hint, and outrage grew as her post became more and more viral.

Vance was shocked that so few people realized that the photo was fake and its accompanying caption a criticism.

She also didn’t understand how these people – those getting angry about the cheek piercing – readily advocated for child circumcision and ear piercings, the very things she was fighting against with her post.

baby cheek pierced

Image Credit: N/A

Despite a study done by the American Academy of Pediatrics that claims circumcision has health benefits, Vance insists that parents do not have the right to modify the bodies of their children this way.

Share away, people.

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