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Bearded Man Slips Into Mom’s Car In An Attempt To Kidnap…

While on their way to Busch Gardens in Virginia, Brandie Weiler and her two daughters, Maddie and Mollie (ages 12 and 7 respectively) saw a car accident. Brandie pulled her car over and got out to see if she could help.

She was on the phone with 911, when the man who caused the accident came up to her van, unlocked the door, and got in!

According to the police, the man tried to drive off with the two girls, but didn’t realize that the girls, Maddie and Mollie came from a long line of firefighters and law enforcement officers! Maddie took action and started to punch the man and scream for help.

There was one more thing Maddie did to make sure that she and her sister were safe – watch the video below to find out what she did!

Talk about being a hero! This needs to go viral – our children need to learn to defend themselves from creeps and weirdos alike. Share away, people.

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