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Boy With Rare Genetic Condition Adorably Becomes Best Buds With The Janitor At His Hospital

Cooper Baltzell is a 4-year-old who has been in the hospital at least four times in his short life.

When the little boy was playing with a car in the hospital hallway, he met a janitor who was cleaning a room.

The two started talking and became inseparable. They have a bond now that is like none other.

Cooper has a genetic disorder that impacts his digestive system, making it difficult for eating and processing foods.

Gregory Watson was performing discharge duties when Cooper asked him if he wanted a piece of candy.

Since Cooper has been in the hospital so many times, he’s often known as the mayor of the other children who are there.

The pair started talking to each other as soon as they met and haven’t looked back.

While Cooper was in the hospital, Gregory cleaned his room each day so that they could talk and spend time together.

If Gregory wasn’t there one day, Cooper would get sad because he missed talking to his friend.

Gregory knows that it’s his job to clean and to talk to the patients, but he feels a connection with Cooper.

They often share popcorn together while Cooper watches cartoons and share jokes during the day.

He’s a child who has shown Gregory the brighter side of being in a hospital.

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