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Doctors screamed in disbelief when woman gave birth in the toilet after her ‘unborn baby turned out to be something else’!

The unfortunate woman, Lauren, said that when her pregnancy test read positive, she was happy about adding a second child to her family. She believed her pregnancy was going normally until things took a turn around 6 weeks into her pregnancy.

At the time, she had noticed some va-inal spotting but didn’t let herself get too alarmed about it. Nevertheless, she did go to the hospital to get herself checked.

Doctors told Lauren that she was having a “molar pregnancy,” which made everything on the outside look like a normal pregnancy.

After several scans, Lauren was told that there was no baby growing inside of her. What she had, instead, was a cancerous mass that was growing inside her womb.

On the inside, she had a tumor that needed immediate treatment. “The tumor grew in my womb the same way a baby would, the same hormones were produced and my pregnancy tests always came back positive,” the mother said.

“There was no way I thought it was cancer, but after I started bleeding, I had further tests when I was seven weeks pregnant.”
Following her diagnosis, Lauren had to undergo several rounds of chemotherapy and treatment to get the tumor under control. Lauren went through several grueling months of treatment until one day, she found herself in excruciating pain while she was at the hospital.

“I had sharp lower abdominal pains that were getting more and more intense. In no time at all I realised the familiarity of my pain – I was in labor,” Lauren said.

“In the hospital bathroom that night I used a bed pan over the toilet and gave ‘birth’ that to the tumor that had made itself a home in my womb for the past five months.”
“The nurses were baffled. They had never seen anything like it in all their years. They called in the doctors who were gobsmacked,” the mother added. Lauren pushed out a pear-sized mass out of her and said, according to The Sun, “I gave birth to the mass in the toilet.

It was the same size as a baby at 17 weeks, so it was a big tumor to push out with no assistance. I was so relieved when I saw the tumor down the toilet as I knew my ordeal was finally over.” It was at that moment when her unusual birth marked the end of her treatment.

“It couldn’t have been further from how I’d pictured my pregnancy ending up all those months ago when I’d so excitedly discovered that little blue line on the stick,”

Lauren recalled. While a huge fear was put behind her, a new concern of whether she would be pregnant again took its place. But despite her concerns, Lauren did eventually become a mother again and her son, Charlie, gained a baby sister.

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