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Laundry doesn’t have to be boring. Mom used sink rugs that cost $1 for this genius laundry trick!

One dollar stores are wonderful, and even if there aren’t too many of them around, you can still find wonderful and cheap items in these stores (everything is wonderful when it’s cheap, isn’t it?).

Anyway, if you didn’t go to any of these shops, then you’re missing out. And most likely your house is messy as well.

You see, you can not only find a lot of things you probably don’t need but simply have to buy because of their cheap price, but also, you will find a lot of random items that can be extremely useful: like for example helping you organize and tidy up the house.

From using ice trays to store small jewelry, a shoe rack that stores wrapping paper, and lightweight baskets that keep your stairs from becoming another storage closet. There are many thrift store tricks that you just have to try. And today we will show you one of them.

Laundry is a chore that no one wants to do and most of us do it on a daily basis if we don’t want our house to turn into mountains of dirty laundry. The washing is the easy part, but it’s the subsequent folding that makes you want to tear your hair out from so many nerves, right? Well, one mom said no more about being the only one folding the laundry in the house, so she made a stop at a one dollar store.

what did she buy? Six plastic mats for the sink and masking tape (insulating tape also works). She brought them home and glued them together in three rows of two, or two rows of three – depending on how you look at it, you’ll end up with the same shape.

Then she called her beloved children to the laundry mountain and taught them the magic trick that would teach them what responsibility is and remove at least one chore from her at home.

Most children – even small children at the age of 2 can join in the fun folding of the laundry! They just need to place the shirt on the taped mats, fold the pieces in, and voila! The clothes are folded!

The good part is that most children want to use this method, which makes them excited to help mom.

If you’re tired of being the only one in the house folding laundry, and if you want to teach your children responsibility without all the crying and tantrums that usually come along with it, pop into the store and buy the items you need. But don’t be surprised if you leave the store with more than you bargained for.

Watch the video below and learn how to make this ingenious trick:

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