
7 Zodiac Signs That Give Off Negative Energy – Which of Them is Your Sign?


Without realizing it, some people give off negative energy to whoever is trying to talk to them. And would you believe it? Those bad vibes often come from certain Zodiac signs like Virgo and Scorpio (as a Virgo myself, I can attest to that).

Here are the seven Zodiac signs that give off negative energy.


1. Gemini

Gemini are full of vigor and energy, which can hardly be called a bad thing. Nevertheless, in pursuit of new ideas and hobbies, people born under this sign can exploit others and blast everyone with their dismissive attitude. Gemini are very difficult to please, so a small chit-chat with them often ends in mutual hostility. Their tactlessness sometimes knows no boundaries, which makes communication with them extremely unpleasant.


Gemini | 7 Zodiac Signs That Give Off Negative Energy | Zestradar

2. Virgo


Virgos love to criticize and “fix” everything that catches their eye. They will not miss a single mistake and will tell you how much you’re wrong about something even if you don’t want to hear it. Virgos drive their loved ones crazy with constant nagging and demands to be better and do the right thing. They often see everything in a negative light, even if the situation doesn’t look that bad for the others. And if you’re trying to prove a Virgo wrong, best of luck to you. You’re going to need it.

Virgo | 7 Zodiac Signs That Give Off Negative Energy | Zestradar


3. Scorpio

Scorpios know exactly how to control their emotions, but the more they suppress them, the tenser the atmosphere around them becomes, and given the fact that Scorpios are constantly nervous and angry, it can be very difficult to communicate with them. But there is also an upside to this feature: if Scorpios feel happy and contented, their positive emotions also spread to others. Therefore, it is better to bother them when they are in a good mood.


Scorpio | 7 Zodiac Signs That Give Off Negative Energy | Zestradar


4. Capricorn

Capricorns are too often in a bad mood, so it becomes a routine for them. They hate seeing happy and cheerful people around them because they do not understand how they can stay this positive all the time when everything around falls to ruin. Sometimes Capricorns will try to learn how to think positively, but in most cases, they’ll freak out and come back to the Dark Side.

Capricorn | 7 Zodiac Signs That Give Off Negative Energy | Zestradar


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