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School Bus Driver Doesn’t Think Photo Of Her Holding Boy’s Hand Is A Big Deal Until Police See It

The local police force felt obligated to acknowledge it.

Because being separated from one’s parents may be a terrible experience for any child, many youngsters find going to school alone difficult, particularly at first when they are unfamiliar with this new chapter of their lives.

Axel Johnson was pleased as he prepared to start school. His mother Amy snapped a photo of him as he waited for the school bus, and he was all smiles.

His expression changed when it was time for him to board, and he was on the edge of sobbing. Axel was clearly not as strong as he thought he would be when he had to separate from his mother.

The bus driver, Isabel Lane, noticed Axel’s expression change from happy to sad, but she was determined to persuade him that taking the bus and going to school with a lot more kids his age was not unsafe. Isabel put her hand behind her as Axel sat in the seat behind her, and Axel grabbed it. It was a lovely moment that Amy managed to catch on film.

Isabel demonstrated that she was more than a driver by showing concern for the children’s pleasure. She wanted Axel to know that he could always count on her, even if his mother wasn’t with him on the bus. Her demeanor assuaged the terrified child’s fears.

Amy wanted to share the photo of her son with the bus driver on Facebook because she thought it was fascinating. She expected it to be well received, but she had no idea it would be so well received.

The photo received over 2,400 likes after it was shared by the local police department.

The compliments Isabel received were unexpected. “To begin with, I didn’t think it was that big of a concern.” She said, “I think this is something I’d do.”

However, that was a big occurrence. The next day, Axel was no longer terrified because he knew he had a friend in Isabel. He was beaming and looking forward to embarking on a new adventure.

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