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Little Girl Who Had Her Face Bitten Off By A Raccoon Is Given A Replacement Nose And Ear

This story is just more proof that not all animals make good pets.

When Charlotte Ponce was 3-months old, she was asleep in her cradle at her home in Ravenna and that’s when their family’s pet raccoon crept silently into her crib and began chewing on her face.

It is assumed that the raccoon simply wanted milk from the baby bottle – but chewed on Charlotte’s face because she had just drunk some milk.

raccoon and baby

Image Credit: ChiWeiWu / Facebook

The raccoon permanently disfigured Charlotte who lost her right ear, upper lip, nose, and parts of her right cheek.

After the attack, Charlotte’s parents lost parental rights, and the couple’s two children were placed in the custody of Sharon and Tim Ponce.

raccoon and baby

Image Credit: ChrisClark / Facebook

Because of her disfigurement, Charlotte was left out of social activities and became depressed.

Over the years, Charlotte underwent several facial reconstruction surgeries, but the most important and biggest operation took place in 2013 – 11 years after the attack.

Dr. Kongkrit Chaiyasate was going to remove cartilage from Charlotte’s ribs which would be used to help grow and shape a new ear.

raccoon and baby

Image Credit: Fox35WOFL / Facebook

They were going to grow her new ear by placing the cartilage into her arm. Once ready, the new ear would be replacing Charlotte’s missing ear.

At the age of 14, Charlotte finally got the chance to wear earrings!

She had collected over 50 pairs of earrings! Sharon said the surgery has turned Charlotte’s life around and even her outlook on life has improved!

raccoon and baby

Image Credit: HuffpostNews / Facebook

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