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Man who tried ‘to go all the way with’ his niece had his parts chopped off; police screamed in disbelief when they learned who was fed with them!

Police officials said that after trying to r-pe his own niece, a man lost parts after they were chopped off as part of an act of revenge. The 36-year-old man, who was not identified, had gotten drunk on alcohol before forcing himself upon his niece and trying to r-pe her.

Luckily, the girl escaped and fled from the scene, after which the uncle then reportedly stumbled all the way back home and drifted off to sleep. Left in a fit of rage, the niece’s boyfriend was adamant about having the uncle punished for what he did.

However, he didn’t go to the police; instead, the boyfriend decided on chopping off the man’s parts to avenge his wronged girlfriend, according to reports.

With the help of a cousin, the boyfriend managed to lure the uncle to a sugarcane field closeby, saying they were going out to have some pigs neutered.

When the uncle showed up at the spot, the boyfriend and cousin reportedly attacked the man and beat him up until he lost consciousness.

While the man was knocked out, the boyfriend and cousin took off the man’s trousers before cutting off his p-nis and te-ticles. The boyfriend and his accomplice then allegedly threw the man’s parts to wild pigs nearby.

When the uncle regained consciousness, he was horrified upon realizing what happened to him and somehow staggered back home. According to The Sun, the man called up an ambulance and was taken to a hospital where doctors tried to whatever they could for him.

Although they stopped the bleeding, doctors could not replace the parts the man lost. What surgeons did do was reconstruct the man’s ur!nary tract, but there was no hope of doing anything beyond that.

Despite the police force conducting a search, officers could not find the man’s body parts and believe his parts were consumed by the wild pigs, revealed authorities in Brazil.

Following the incident, the man who attacked his niece was put on antibiotics, and doctors revealed that he would only need to spend a few days in the hospital before being allowed to go home.

Police officers investigated the case, and they arrested the boyfriend as well as the cousin who chopped off the man’s body parts. It is unclear whether the uncle would face any charges for attempting to r-pe his niece, The Sun reported.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Lucy Kott

    8th January, 2025 at

    I am glad the rapest was punished for his crime. If only all convicted rapest were treated in a similar manner, I would be happy. Rape is a terrible crime that is not punished,or if it is it is with a “slap on the wrist”.

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