According to the police officials, the unidentified woman, who was ‘indecently assaulted’ reportedly injured the 61-year-old man, Denis S., to stop the attack and escape. Denis,...
When faced with a person needing help, we have two options. To mutter something incomprehensible under our breath and walk away, or to help. It really...
Per reports, the elementary school was slammed by parents after forcing a boy to eat lunch alone behind a screen because his parents dropped him off...
The then-26-year-old Zach was reportedly engaged to marry his high school sweetheart, Madison. But, one day, everything turned upside down for this young couple when doctors...
Per reports, the 21-year-old faced a slew of robbery charges after attempting to steal from a drive-thru restaurant and allegedly shooting her dog in front of...
According to the unfortunate parents, Katrine and Rob, as their little daughter, Riley, laid unconscious and was kept alive only by machines, they both felt helpless....
When a Marine Corps veteran saw the lessons his daughter was receiving in class, he decided to confront the school. According to the dad, educators were...
Jill and Wayne told local news outlets that they noticed that their young son, Robbie, had a temperature but no other symptoms, so put him to...
Given that we should eat bananas when they are ripe, you probably assumed after reading the title that you already knew the answer. That is true,...
In a fair world, no child would have to see the insides of hospitals when they grow up. They will have the opportunity to play and...
In Cleveland, Ohio a 7-year-old boy became strangely afraid of the bathroom after spending an afternoon alone with his stepfather. Terrified to say why, he couldn’t...
Julia Kocevas from Sweden definitely knows how to connect the dots. As a criminologist she connects points to solve mysteries of crime and capture criminals, and...
Rosemary is an evergreen shrub with intensely scented needle-like leaves that thrives in a warm temperate and Mediterranean climate. Growing into a large woody shrub, this...
Teenagers have a very bad name sometimes. There is no denying that many of us look at them as angry creatures full of anger stuck between...
Nasal and throat obstructions are the major causes of coughs and breathing difficulties, due to the accumulated phlegm in the lungs. Phlegm is the sticky substance...
Sometimes it feels like the newspapers, newsstands, and news reports are full of all the horrible things that are happening all over the world. Every day...
Scientists associate swearing with honest and genuine people, as expletives are used to express sincerity and raw feelings. Finding a true and loyal friend these days...
Nurses do an amazing job. Still, there are people who underestimate their profession. These people usually think that doctors are the only heroes in the health...
In the heart of a small community in Oregon, a tale unfolds that speaks of a mother’s unwavering love and the formidable strength of solidarity against...
A man woke up to strange noises in his backyard one morning, so he went outside to investigate. He spotted the furry body of a wild...
The boy’s mother was surprised to see the man cry as he watched his own daughter play and marveled at his patience. But his story would...
If one thing is for sure, it’s that life hands up surprises at every turn. Some surprises, however, can be incredibly life-changing. Young couple Eliza and...
Per reports, a brutal brawl broke out at an open-casket funeral ‘after the deceased’s body was not treated properly’. The family now plans to sue the...
Everyone tries to keep their home clean and hygienic, especially in the places where our body is most exposed to bacteria. Cleaners and disinfectants aren’t always...
We have been continually told that the consumption of foods rich in calcium will strengthen the bones, but the incidences of osteoporosis kept rising. Now, however,...
If you have ever been a housewife or are one now, do you feel unappreciated at times? With all the cleaning, cooking, and taking care of...
I really believe that many parents would agree that the love for one’s children is always more important than DNA, skin and blood. During an interview,...
The poor little girl, Michaela, reportedly had a difficult childhood. She was born during a time of war and lost both of her parents at a...
The young couple, who already had 1-year-old son, were excitedly awaiting the arrival of their second baby. The pregnancy had gone well and according to the...
According to his parents, their son, Jack, grew up in a happy home. Once he grew up and ventured out of the home, he settled down....
After several children were caught talking about “Jesus” and “God,” a first-grade teacher decided to prohibit the words from being mentioned in the classroom. However, after...