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Learn how this 61-year-old Grandmother Transformed Her Body in Just 7 Years

Have you ever thought it was too late to get into shape? Well, a 61-year-old woman named Monica Bousqet proves that you can totally transform yourself at any age. She has become a huge inspiration to many people for the amazing way she has changed her physique and built her body with incredible muscles.


She only started training seven years ago, but she has been able to achieve what some have not been able to in their entire lifetime. What’s her secret to an amazing body at the age of 61? Read on to learn how this grandmother transformed herself, and how anyone at an older age can do the same.


When Monica Bousqet decided to totally change her physique, she did not waste any time. She now maintains a schedule of training six times a week to keep up with her stunning physique. She shows the world how she pursues her fitness goals online by sharing videos on her TikTok. Her hope is that she will inspire others to do the same thing that she has done by showing them regularly how she formulates her training and fitness activities.

Her bio reads, “I’m 61, and I’m going to motivate you to be healthy!” And her content and mission are true to her bio description, as she continues to motivate and inspire so many people. To date, she currently has over 850,000 followers on TikTok, and only seems to be growing in popularity every day. This article is split into pages, Continue reading in the next page >>>

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