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Stepmom’s Shocking Act of Revenge Leaves Young Boy in Agony! Discover the Terrifying Details Behind Her Sinister Jealousy!

A Pennsylvania woman, Danielle Duke psychologically, verbally, and physically abused her stepson – who was only 4-years old.

The boy’s father, Nathan Duke, reportedly did absolutely nothing to help his son. According to court documents, the abuse occurred every single day for about three months.

cruel motherImage Credit: Facebook / Danielle Duke

The police were shown pictures of the little boy that showed cuts, burns, and bruises on his body.

cruel motherImage Credit: Facebook / Danielle Duke

The woman who showed the police the pictures told them that the boy was abused every day. The same woman told police that she had seen Danielle give the little boy laxatives.

cruel motherImage Credit: Facebook / Danielle Duke

She would also pour hot sauce in his mouth and didn’t allow him to have any water to drink for up to 15 minutes.

cruel motherImage Credit: Facebook / Danielle Duke

It is sad that this woman saw this and didn’t call 911 right away. Danielle also played a game with the boy that she called “playing mermaid.”

cruel motherImage Credit: Facebook / Danielle Duke

To play this game, Danielle would wrap the young boy’s legs together with duct tape and a sheet.

cruel motherImage Credit: Facebook / Danielle Duke

He would then stay like that for hours. The police report also indicated that Danielle would yell things like “You nasty a—hole” and “I’m gonna kick your a—.“

cruel motherImage Credit: Facebook / Danielle Duke

Why would Danielle do this to the young boy? Police believe it was because she was jealous that Nathan had had a child with another woman.

So, to deal with her petty feelings, she tortured the innocent child. That makes no sense to me at all. Both Nathan and Danielle are facing child abuse charges. Share away, people.

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